Closest hotels within walking distance of O2 Arena London

Last Updated on July 4, 2024 by Henry @ The Getaway Lounge

This post is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure a high level of accuracy.

Hotels close to O2 Arena in London

If you’ve got plans to attend an event there any time soon, you might be wondering what hotels are within walking distance of the O2 Arena in London.

Well, we’ve explored the area and here’s what we found within a 19 minute walk away – based on the best possible route when walking from your hotel to the arena, as opposed to generic map distances which do not always translate into realistic walking distances and times.

For example, you cannot walk over the River Thames using the Blackwall tunnel / A102 road as shown on the map below, and therefore Greenwich is your best option.

Hotels within walking distance of O2 Arena London

London HotelWalking distance to O2 ratingsCheck availability
Intercontinental London - The O2 (5 star hotel connected to venue)0.1 mile (3 minute walk)8.7 / 10 (8,000+ reviews)Check availability
The Pilot Inn - London Greenwich0.7 mile (14 minute walk)8.5 / 10 (1,200+ reviews)Check availability
Holiday Inn Express - London Greenwich (3 star hotel)0.9 mile (19 minute walk)7.8 / 10 (6,000+ reviews)Check availability


Closest hotels you can walk to O2 Arena

As illustrated within this post, the closest hotels to the O2 when it comes to walking distance are:


There are a good range of hotels that are within relatively easy walking distance of the O2 Arena in London.

And thanks to, the hotels listed can usually be booked with a Free Cancellation policy, should your plans change closer to the time!

It’s important to note that you cannot walk across the Blackwall tunnel or A102 road as shown on the map above, and therefore Greenwich is your best option.

Other websites will suggest hotels that are located just over the River Thames as they look close on a map, but they are simply not very close when it comes to walking distance.

We hope you found this useful and enjoy your stay!

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