The closest hotels walking distance to Footprint Center

Last Updated on November 6, 2023 by Henry @ The Getaway Lounge

This post is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure a high level of accuracy.

Hotels close to Footprint Center in Downtown Pheonix

If you’ve got plans to attend any time soon, you might be wondering what hotels are within walking distance of Footprint Center in Phoenix, AZ.

Well, we’ve explored the area and here’s the closest hotels we found within a 8 minute walk away to the venue.

We’ve based our calculations on the best possible route on foot from each hotel to the closest entry point of the stadium using the handy walking feature on Google Maps.

Exact walking distances will therefore differ slightly if you are using another entrance, however the stadium is relatively compact and easily accessible, so these differences will be minimal. Please allow an extra couple of minutes if you are entering from an opposing end.

Closest hotels within walking distance of Footprint Center

Phoenix HotelWalking distance to Footprint ratingsCheck availability and price
Residence Inn by Marriott Phoenix Downtown (3 star hotel)0.2 mile (4 minute walk to northwest entry)8.6 / 10 (200+ reviews)Check availability and price
Courtyard by Marriott Phoenix Downtown (3 star hotel)0.2 mile (4 minute walk to northwest entry)8.6 / 10 (200+ reviews)Check availability and price
Hyatt Regency Phoenix (4 star hotel)0.2 mile (5 minute walk to north entry)8.5 / 10 (1,000+ reviews)Check availability and price
Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel (5 star hotel)0.2 mile (6 minute walk to northwest entry)8.4 / 10 (300+ reviews)Check availability and price
Hilton Garden Inn Phoenix Downtown (4 star hotel)0.3 mile (8 minute walk to northwest entry)8.5 / 10 (800+ reviews)Check availability and price



Footprint Center accessibility map

See below for a map of the stadium itself when it comes to access, and please note the north side of the stadium is on the left of the image.

Source of map:

Closest hotels you can walk to Footprint Center

As illustrated within this post, the closest hotels to Footprint Center when it comes to walking distance are:


There are a good range of hotels that are within easy walking distance of Footprint Center in Phoenix.

These calculations are based on the best possible route when walking from each hotel to the closest end of the stadium, as opposed to the majority of other sources citing generic map distances, which do not always translate into realistic walking distances and times.

We’ve compiled this information using Google Maps and, as they are two of the most comprehensive tools available when looking for in depth directions and hotels respectively.

And thanks to, you usually have the option to secure your room with a free cancellation policy should your plans change closer to the time.

If it’s a big event you’re attending, it’s worth booking as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

We hope you found this useful and enjoy your stay!

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