What US airports fly direct to Punta Cana (Dominican Republic)

Last Updated on January 31, 2024 by Henry @ The Getaway Lounge

This post is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure a high level of accuracy.

What US airports fly direct to Punta Cana?

If you’re thinking about visiting any time soon, you might be wondering what your best way of getting here is.

Well, we regularly monitor flight schedules across the world in a bid to bring you the most up to date, easy to digest information, and here’s the latest.

You can fly directly to Punta Cana from the following US airports:

Direct flights to Punta Cana from US

Vacation or flight only?

We would usually recommend considering a vacation package to Punta Cana.

Reason being, you’ll often get much better value for money compared to a flight only.

Besides, the final price will be bundled up and include your flights, hotel, bags and often transfers!

Saying that, we’ve included links for both vacations with Expedia and flights only with Skyscanner above for your convenience.


As illustrated above, there are a wide range of US airports that fly directly to Punta Cana.

And there are a wide range of airlines too, so there is plenty of healthy competition on this route.

We’ve compiled this information using flight aggregator tools such as Google Flights, whilst cross-checking these flight schedules directly with the airlines and travel companies mentioned above, some of which we have affiliations with, and if you use our links we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

And because the flight aggregators do not always catch every single airline covering every single route, we’ve also checked with other airlines potentially flying directly from the US to Punta Cana in order to try and capture the full picture, whether we have a partnership with the airline or not.

My goal is to bring you the most up to date and accurate flight information, summarised in a unique, easy to digest format which allows you to more efficiently find the best route for you.

To accomplish this, I’m regularly checking flight schedules from a range of sources and have great experience in doing so. That said, flight schedules can move quite quickly so please do contact me using the email address below if you spot any inaccuracies or have anything to add.

We hope you found this useful, and that you enjoy your Caribbean getaway!

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